Appeal to your representative Senators!

Toxic chemicals surround us. We envelope ourselves and our children in toxic perfumed laundry detergents; we smear our bodies and hair with untested creams, gels and shampoos. We further damage our health with pesticides used in lawn and garden care, and in agriculture. It is time for legislation to replace the never adequate and very outdated Toxics Substances Control Act. To view each entry, just click on the title or link(s) within each entry.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ditch Conventional, Unhealthy Chemical Shampoos and Conditioners!

Ditch your toxic, chemical- loaded conventional shampoos and conditioners for this basic and very safe formula that also happens to be very very low cost! Furthermore, this shampoo happens to be so good at what it does that a conditioner is no longer necessary unless perhaps you have ultra-chemically treated hair. Here it is and please, tell me what you think! We love the Basic Shampoo in this household and a little goes a long way! Note: you will notice immediate favorable results and the rest of your skin will be healthier, too.

Basic Shampoo (For most hair types):

1/4 Cup Filtered (Brita works well) Water
1/4 Cup Organic Unscented Liquid Castile Soap
1/2 Teaspoon Organic Canola Oil or other mild, light Vegetable Oil.


Dry Hair Shampoo:

6 oz Unscented Organic Castile Soap
1/2 tsp Avocado Oil
1 tsp Coconut Oil

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